In order to show our love to the healthcare system workers and residents in our county during the COVID-19 crisis, we are looking for help assembling packages:
NURSE CARE PACKAGES are being put together to show our appreciation for the nurses at Britton's Marshall County Healthcare Center (we would love to give to the nursing home and assisted living nurses, provided we receive enough donations). They would appreciate masks, gloves, candy, snacks, coffee, tea, gift cards, etc. Hand-written notes and/or drawings from children would be appreciated, too. If you choose to purchase gift cards, please support local businesses in the Britton area as the nursing staff is not allowed to leave the area due to COVID-19 policy. You may consider supporting local salons, massage therapists, the grocery store, etc.
ACTIVITY/GOODIE PACKAGES are also being put together for the residents
of Spruce Court Assisted Living (17 residents) and Wheatcrest Hills Nursing
Home (44 residents) to let them know they have not been forgotten. They
would appreciate candy (full size and mini), snacks, word search books, puzzle
books, puzzles, etc. Hand-written notes and/or drawings from children OR
adults were highly recommended by staff.
PLEASE NOTE: No baked goods will be accepted.
Any/All donations can be dropped off at the following locations:
- Danny & Kaela Zenk’s blue cabinet by their garage in Britton
- Rose Hill Church (donation tote will be outside the front doors)
have donations to one of these locations by Wednesday, April 22. Direct
questions to either Dara Hughes or Lacey Holland.